Abuse, Trauma & Madness with Jacqui Dillon: Tuesday, March 22nd, 730pm @ Mount Holyoke CollegeSubmitted by admin on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 17:28
Download flyer here: http://www.freedom-center.org/files/JacquiDillonMarch2011.pdf
Abuse, Trauma & Madness with Jacquie Dillon: Tuesday, March 22nd, 730pm @ Mount Holyoke College, Dwight 101, South Hadley. Join the RLC community for a powerful talk on madness and our mad world. By sharing personal and professional experiences of madness and recovery, these issues are explored so that madness is understood as a sane response to surviving in a crazy world. The mark of a responsible society and responsive services is the willingness to share collective responsibility for these experiences, to honor them, support them and learn from them at all levels. Consequently, advocating and campaigning for the rights of those labelled as mentally ill has now become the last great civil rights movement. |