calendarThe Freedom Center's Peer Support GroupSubmitted by shana on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 16:32
IMPORTANT UPDATE: ( categories: )
Healing Homes Film w/Daniel Mackler Premieres in March; Multiple Showings!Submitted by admin on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 17:31
Healing Homes Film Premiere: Abuse, Trauma & Madness with Jacqui Dillon: Tuesday, March 22nd, 730pm @ Mount Holyoke CollegeSubmitted by admin on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 17:28
Download flyer here: http://www.freedom-center.org/files/JacquiDillonMarch2011.pdf
Alternatives to Suicide: Community Forums March 3+10Submitted by admin on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 17:27
Alternatives to Suicide: Community Forums March 3+10 ( categories: )
Starting Hearing Voices Groups Training at RLCSubmitted by admin on Sat, 10/09/2010 - 21:20
Recovery Learning Community is sponsoring a "Starting Hearing Voices Groups" training with Oryx Cohen, Gail Hornstein, Ron Coleman (UK Hearing Voices Network) and Paul Baker (UK Hearing Voices Network). This is a great opportunity to learn about how to create a hearing voices group in your area and become a hearing voices group facilitator. Dates for the training are November 12th & 19th and December 3rd & 10th. Download the training application here. For more info, contact
Oryx Cohen Recovery Learning Community 187 High St., Suite 303 Holyoke, MA 01040 Fax: 413-536-5466 (attn: Oryx) Email: oryx@westernmassrlc.org Contact the Recovery Learning Community for Info On Acupuncture Clinics -Submitted by admin on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 03:38
Note - after many years of Freedom Center offering free acupuncture weekly, these services are now being organized by the Recovery Learning Community in Holyoke - contact them for more info! ( categories: )
Facilitation Training Weds Aug 29 at RLC in HolyokeSubmitted by admin on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 12:37
Date and time confirmed...
Contact Recovery Learning Community for Area Support Groups InformationSubmitted by jiro on Thu, 02/16/2012 - 20:41
Note that offering free support groups for many years in Northampton, these services are now being offered by the peer run Recovery Learning Community in Holyoke. The Freedom Center community sometimes also organizes groups and meetings depending on local interest, so check the Freedom Center homepage for updates. THANKS! Spa Night FundraiserSubmitted by lee on Wed, 09/02/2009 - 17:25
The Freedom Center along with Arise for Social Justice and Outnow of Springfield is co-sponsoring a SPA NIGHT!! Come get massage, acupuncture, or reiki for the revolution! Relax, rejuvinate and support revolutionaries!! Gail Hornstein At Holyoke Library May 20thSubmitted by admin on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 12:44
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Hearing Voices Groups In the Western MA AreaSubmitted by admin on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 13:17
Freedom Center helped start Hearing Voices groups in the Western Massachusetts area and beyond - to find out more information, contact the Recovery Learning Community, which is actively involved with organizing Hearing Voices groups in the area. Thanks!
Hearing Voices groups are popular and fairly widespread in Europe, specially England. Hearing Voices groups do not pathologize the experience of hearing voices or experiencing other altered states, instead they ask the voice hearer: What do the voices mean to you? Join us for the first Hearing Voices group east of Wisconsin and share and get support from others with similar experiences! *Co-sponsored by the Center for Human Gail Hornstein's Book Featuring Freedom Center, at Odyssey Bookshop March 26 7 pmSubmitted by admin on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:47
Agnes’s Jacket
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Contact Recovery Learning Community for Area Groups InformationSubmitted by admin on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 03:36
Please note; After Freedom Center offering free weekly yoga classes for many years, similar services are now being organizing by the Recovery Learning Community; contact them to find out more. Thanks!
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Join The Community Power Kickoff - DATE CHANGE March 28thSubmitted by admin on Thu, 02/12/2009 - 10:34
Past Freedom Center Events ArchiveSubmitted by admin on Sun, 02/01/2009 - 02:25
These are older events. For more recent past events, check our Past Events page here.
Drugging Our Distress? ( categories: )
Get Involved With Our Spring Speakout w/ Leah Harris!Submitted by caty on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 11:38
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Party September 20th! FC Lucky Seven 'PsychoSocial' AnniversarySubmitted by admin on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 00:52
To celebrate our birthday, and the honor of being recognized by Forbes, Freedom Center will host a special event to screen the video at its "Lucky 7 Psychosocial" party on September 20th at 6 pm World War II Club 50 Conz St., Northampton, MA. ( categories: )
Author Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epidemic Tues, March 25 7pmSubmitted by admin on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 02:41
*erika@foodforthoughtbooks.com* <erika@foodforthoughtbooks.com> ( categories: )
Coming Off Meds at Broadside Tues Feb 5 With Will HallSubmitted by admin on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 17:34
Please forward
Tues February 5th 7pm Broadside Bookshop 247 Main St Northampton MA Discussion with Will Hall, author of the new *Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs* ( categories: )
Acupuncture CANCELLED this Monday, 1/14/08Submitted by heather on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 01:42
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Acupuncture Open House Sat. Oct 27thSubmitted by admin on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 22:28
Wed, October 3rd, 6:30 arrival, 7-9pm: Presentation or Sat, October 27th, 3:30 arrival, 4-6pm: Presentation ( categories: )
Jim Gottstein Comes to Hampshire College Oct 22Submitted by heather on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 18:04
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Writing groupSubmitted by chaya on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 14:27
The new writing group is 2-3 on Wednesdays. At
>> Windhorse Associates: 211 North Street, in Northampton
>> (Market St turns into North St.)
>> Our first meeting will be this Wednesday and all are
>> welcome but the group limit is 10, so it is first come
>> first serve. If you email me, I will reserve you a
>> space.
>> This group is sponsored by Freedom Center, the RLC,
>> and Windhorse. I will be leading it with Dave Stark,
>> a hilarious and witty writer.
>> Please feel free to bring some writing to work on and
>> share-specifically memoir, non fiction and poetry. But bring
>> you want to share, even if it is in
>> another category.
>> At the first session, everyone's requests and ideas