aboutThe Freedom Center's Peer Support GroupSubmitted by shana on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 16:32
IMPORTANT UPDATE: ( categories: )
Contact UsSubmitted by shana on Wed, 09/03/2014 - 19:31
If you are looking for local recovery and peer movement resources in general rather than the Freedom Center specifically, we recommend that you first contact the Recovery Learning Community. Thanks! ( categories: )
Lee Hurter's Hampshire Thesis On Freedom CenterSubmitted by admin on Tue, 12/16/2008 - 21:01
Longtime organizer Lee Hurter wrote her Hampshire College thesis on Freedom Center, including interviews with several Freedom Center organizers. Download and read the thesis at the link below. ( categories: )
Email ListsSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 03:34
Read our open discussion list (FC-Discuss) here for all kinds of forwarded emails, news items, announcements, and discussions: http://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/fc-discuss
We have one not-very-active list these days (most people are on the RLC list now)
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WelcomeSubmitted by shana on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 17:57
![]() The Freedom Center is a support and activism community run by and for people labeled with severe 'mental disorders.' We call for compassion, human rights, self-determination, and holistic options. We create alternatives to the mental health system's widespread despair, abuse, fraudulent science and dangerous treatments. We are based in pro-choice harm reduction philosophy regarding medical treatments, and include people taking or not talking medications. ( categories: )
Want to Volunteer?Submitted by heather on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 10:30
If you would like to volunteer with Freedom Center, here are a few suggestions that would make a big difference!
Donate a service, such as a chair massage, a homeopathy session, a haircut etc Ask about giving a holisitc health presentation at a group meeting Donate old computers, not broken please Donate items you might be thinking about putting in a yard sale, such as kitchen appliances, tools, books, backpacks and clothes Put together a box of nonperishable foods Print out flyers under the resource section and post them around town Come to an acupuncture or yoga session and meet our members Help us sustain our free services by giving a monetary donation ( categories: )
Media Coverage of Freedom CenterSubmitted by admin on Sun, 02/18/2007 - 19:17
Forbes Magazine Sept. 2006: Healing Voices
Mad Pride Fights a Stigma -- New York Times 05/11/08
Freedom To Sit: Welcoming People Labeled with Psychiatric Disabilities at Buddhist Retreats 06-07
Big Headache for Big Pharma was a 4-07 Adbusters magazine article written by Will Hall about the Zyprexa memos scandal. 4-07 ( categories: )
Peer Educator Guidelines working draftSubmitted by admin on Wed, 03/15/2006 - 21:03
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Creative Commons Site Copyright, Sharing, and Fair UseSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 22:03
Copyright: Unless otherwise specified, all content on this site is copyrighted under the Creative Commons copyright.. That means basically we encourage you to copy and distribute, put on other websites, email, printout, and spread everything on this site as long as you are not making money off it, you don't alter it, and you link back to the originating source. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 ( categories: )