speakoutVJP Swan Speakout - "Denizen of The Back Ward"Submitted by admin on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 22:32
Read the entire memoir here: www.freedom-center.org/pdf/Denizen-of-the-Back-Ward.doc
A little about me:
Married, two grown sons. Relocated from Pasadena, California to Conyers, Georgia in 2007
Contact me at: verlapacheco(at)yahoo(dot)com
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CL SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 09:12
After being deemed mentally ill for over 32 years, I'm now learning what it is to be "normal". After 32 years of psychiatric units, psych meds, psychodrama, individual and group therapy, etc... I've been given a clean bill of mental health (except for PTSD). Now, this does not mean I am no longer seeing a therapist. I am being followed by the Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation Program (CDRP) at Kaiser Permanente. I have over 9 months clean; and I'm learning to be a responsible adult. I was once asked what the difference is between the care I'm getting now compared to the care I was receiving (through the department of Psychiatry)? I can sum it up in one word, "accountability." ( categories: )
12 Shades Of SnowSubmitted by admin on Mon, 12/22/2008 - 03:59
12 Shades of Snow By Anne Onimous
1) I Dreamed A Dream That Was Bestowed By Higher Beings In The Know I Dreamed A Dream I Thought Was Fake Until The Moment I Awake My Sleep Drenched Eyes Gaze 'Pon This Place As Pillows Nestle To My Face My First Thought Of The New Day Springs What Is Rainbow's End To Bring?
2) Like Sun O'Er Meadows Alone I Rise And Float To Mirror's Familiar Eyes A Glint Appears, A Light Turned On A Day On Which To Shine Upon I Twist A Loop Within My Hair For Mirrror Knows Who Is Most Fair Chaya's Narpa talkSubmitted by chaya on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 14:23
Below is the talk I wrote for Narpa. Feel free to
Eleanor Howe SpeakoutSubmitted by heather on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 16:11
Crazy I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely ( categories: )
Jennifer Grimaldi SpeakoutSubmitted by heather on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 16:00
Wednesday April 4, 2007 ( categories: )
Psychiatric Survivor Oral History ProjectSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 00:27
![]() ( categories: )
Chaya Grossberg SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 04:15
for poetry: chayag.gather.com chayag.livejournal.com
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Anonymous 1 SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 11:06
When I was in 9th grade, I was under a lot of stress because I was active in about 3 or 4 activities after school. I went on a Speech and Debate tournament, actually a Student Congress, and I felt alienated from everyone else there. We were watching Nine and a Half Weeks at the motel room. I felt like sadism and pleasure seeking seemed to indicate that God did not exist, and that there is no meaning in life.
I went to a psychologist because I was depressed. He sent me to a psychiatrist. ( categories: )
Andrew Younkins SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 04:36
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Anonymous 2 SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 11:11
Growing up I truly had it all: a great family, tons of friends, nice home. Besides my brother's death at age seven, before I was born, my childhood was happy and trauma free. The death of my brother shook my parents up so they were very protective of me, but I had a great life growing up in.. As early as age 9 or 10, I experienced acute anxiety that only lasted five or ten minutes where I felt spacey and disconnected from everything, but still knew exactly what was going on around me. Nothing particular seemed to bring it on emotionally, spiritually or physically, but it occurred several times a year. As a child, I also worried a lot and things like talking in front of people terrified me. ( categories: )
Anonymous 3 SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 06:16
i spent many hours sitting beside myself in that tiny blue room. i spent too much time staring at myself, at the girl in the * full body straight jacket lying on the floor. *safety coat was the euphamism used to describe this particular piece of equipment. i don’t know who was supposed to feel safe… maybe staff, certainly not anyone actually bound into it. she looked like a piece of luggage lying there. dropped. forgotten. waiting to be claimed. ( categories: )
Tori Ecklund SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 02:00
Some Thoughts About Oppression
As a person born with a physical disability, I have always experienced oppression. In every realm of life, I was subjected to negative assumptions and presumptions of incompetence. This was never more apparent than when I entered a graduate program in psychology at a local university. Throughout my time in the program, I was repeatedly told that my disability made people too uncomfortable and that I could never be a good counselor. In evaluations, my disability was referred to as a "deficit which could not be overcome." Since I have always been very strong-willed, I stuck it out and obtained my degree. I then got my real education when I went to work at a local community mental health center. ( categories: )
Will Hall SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 02:00
From the Forbes.com website philanthropic focus on Freedom Center, August 2008:
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David Lazarus SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 02:00
Born in 1950 the only child of a military man, i grew up in an abusive & compulsively ordered family universe in which there was only one right way to do anything. My father was prone to unpredictable fits of rage & sulking, & a cloud of gloom often hung over the house, increasingly so as i got into adolescence & really began to have a mind of my own.
To escape the rage & rejection i withdrew into my own world of fantasy, nature, & books, often experiencing ecstatic experiences by all these means. Being highly sensitive, i hated the authoritarian, overcrowded, sports-worshipping ethos of high school, but a did always have a friend or 3 along the way. ( categories: )