Chaya Grossberg SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 04:15
for poetry: chayag.gather.com chayag.livejournal.com
Algorithms and Euphemisms and Cans
The Next Planetby Chaya Grossberg Cover photo by Susie Benton Table of Contents 2. Our Celestially Marinated Duet 5. Sacredness Takes Over Noticing’s Job 6. Untitled 7. A Lightning Rod For Me, A Cactus Pod For You 9. Quantum Leap 10. Science to the Limits of Literature and Dark Cake 11. Love’s Necessary Rebellions 12. I Do a Ditty and I Do a Dance 14. Love’s Arms, Armor and Sense 15. Outta This Land 16. Recollection 17. Remember Your Friends 19. Tom’s Message to Chaya 20. The Ball’s On Drop 22. We Took a Step Towards Fun 24. The Apricot Spread Toast 25. Pickpocket the Stoners Poetry 27. State to State Our Celestially Marinated Duet I wonder…no…funky…fro…tell me… what I need to know right now on this one day less than full moon time, a sliver so silent we may as well be dressfully God fully scared of tiny Nila wafer colored dogs and claws and scratch scratch scratch through doors and shyness and turns from cigarettes and blankets to keep us from getting wet and another sheet with music for our celestially marinated duet. Our marionette duet, our performance when things are dry and free. Our doorways lined up one two three. Our PLANET that we like to take in the form of trees and freeze with the branches all Winter we are ice all Summer we are stream all Spring we are noise, we are music, that sounds like a convulsing man, we are an organ that knew melody how to plan, we are MAGICIANS, and underneath our hats are rats, we are Rockland County and we are Pittsfield, Mass. We don’t engage in conversations, all we do is teach a math class to dolphins so they’ll know just how to shake so they’ll know we are awake and we’ll HAMMER tables and rules into their backs, so they’ll be filled with metal jacks and give humans the coats off their slippery backs. We have WAITED for treaties one by one. We have ARGUED with thick spines two by two. We have TANGOED with elephants in the park by now the sky is dark so it’s time to view the spark from our little bench in the sea that will mysteriously find it-self… in the stars with a colony of guitars. God bless our souls on their way to meet their spines Sacredness Takes Over Noticing’s Job I feel I am going to be won by time. The too many things happening to catch everything is eventually going to be realized, Yet in the wind blowing every single branch, hair and molecule, Light hitting everything that is seen- God blesses all And sacredness takes over noticing’s job. Sacredness makes space for a single feeling to stir the soup of events, images, thoughts, words… Untitled He was wrong She knew it all along He was stew… All she could do… Was brew. A Lighting Rod For Me, A Cactus Pod For You I relentlessly adhere to the plan: Shun the man in hopes he’ll change. My cynicism increases at the rate of my pocket change (fast). I capitalize on the laundry quarters remaining. I tremble because of you, and what do you do? Nothing. So I tremble in my continue on. I continue on to the stream and paddle down it alone since I don’t want to ask you for help. I retreat from partnership and pick up my paddle. I pick my nose and really really I don’t wait for you. I’m downstream in my own canoe, the seaweed green the seaweed blue. I telephone everyone, including you, just for something with which to do. Alone I am sad alone I am mad alone I am brave and I don’t wait for you to come back. The wave in back of my canoe, the telephone treaty to mix up the glue. The hippopotamus in the stream comes up for air, the gleam in my eye has nothing at which to stare. The shine in my hair is no longer stroked, the ball in my throat is not still all choked. The tractor trailer is made of rabbit’s poo and elephant glue, and me and you. Phoo. An alligator chew. A minnow too. An antelope canoe. A telephone tea for two. A lightning rod for me, a cactus pod for you. Quantum Leap There was an ant And a plant And a fountain And a pearl And an easel A pond A quantum leap Science to the Limits of Literature-and Dark Cake The cake has seven silver spoons in the inner circle and 20 in the outer, stuck in it for 27 to eat. That is my limit. There is nothing like combining tambourines, biology, history and the drum. And stitching a pillowcase of the pages and pats God by God, hole by hole, trick by trick, touch by touch. God by God. Twitch by twitch. Trickle my trickle and humming. I believe in science-real earthy molecular science to the limits of literature. Biology, Chemistry, Physics to the music of poetry-they ice the cake. The icing is sweet-so sweet I put my finger out and lick it, tempted by sucrose. And dark cake. I swallow nothing. Wax from the birthday candles drips to the floor in a pool of orange, yellow and blue. The gold ring falls once the wax hardens to a swirled tricolor circle and the gold band sits atop the wax art. Love’s Necessary Rebellions Maybe it’s the Winter that makes me break away Maybe it’s the Summer sun that taught me how to pray Maybe it’s the music that I shook out with a rattle Maybe it’s the ache I cannot feel because I left the battlefield Or is it the tuning itself that needs an adjustment? Or is it just me? How I climbed an oak tree to the top, and pop, our whole love affair changed. I knew I needed to fall off the top of the oak and hit the ground, I knew I needed to remember what was down there, to pick a blueberry from a bush. A key, a tangerine, an apple and misery, I sense misery and honest to Jesus I like it, I will no longer fear to love as you did Christ And I will pick pebbles from the dirt and string them on necklaces. What if you do just the right thing tomorrow? Give me just the right gift or kiss or make me feel just the right way? Well then will I forget about these words with relief? I just may I just may but the words are here now, heavy, I mean them, I need them. I Do A Ditty and I Do a Dance I love the sunset and evening stars, But better the nighttime stars And negative two rains, Better the growing pains That send me to bed, Better than that other world, Better was my dream last night in another world- I wish for another world, any other, any adventure, Anything besides the same old day, The same old worries and to do’s- I want escape, I want a lover to fuck my mind open And I want to go somewhere else- somewhere with Tangerines, rosebuds, bells and reachable stars, Somewhere with dance bars And someplace else with revelations that can be seen in the atmosphere, But brand new ones that have never been seen before As I exist on the edge Just like time, I flirt with the edge Of a different kind of reason, In the fifth season- A different seasoning that has never been tasted, smelled, known Or seen before- A relapse but a concoction nonetheless- A relapse but love nonetheless, A reachable star, but passion and compassion all the more, A torch, but someone in the next room who knows my name- What we need is a box big enough for each shoe. The five year deal, it’ll be pretty- Grandma has pink carnations, White roses, And a ditty: I do a ditty and I do a dance. Love’s Arms, Armor and Sense I skim the lava in the heaven of creation, the galaxy, the street corner High school run in memory The pizza place with stools, The girls with curly hair, The rain don’t rain, it drools, The puddles are full of rules. So-and-so has something to say to you- Wait-let him say it- Then remember your plans and sever the ties that bind you to your single life- go all the way in enter the relationship fully, give it your all- otherwise you’ll only crawl- if you do, you’ll walk two by two in love’s arms, armor and sense. Outta This Land Continue down the slide- easy chica, And then tumble around -n-glide- then Reinvent the blowtorch, the wedding, the rum, Rejuvenate-try a glass of juice- Juice here, juice there, juice it up baby, juice it up. Pickle me, pick me pickles and pickle your frequency- And sour up the salamander carnival in the cattlefield. Never again let the rehearsers invent cream, For they do not know what it means To dream. Continue on down the slide, Send a paper mache mask by way of paper airplane to the bus. Travel much more sistah- go here, go there Outta this land, outta this land- the otha lands got some good treats for ya too and you fa them. Recollection I wanted to reach into the past and re-collect everyone I’d lost. So what did I do? I paddled my own canoe? And who showed up? All of you Remember Your Friends The never-ending shadow The ever-lasting moan The teacher who tattled The Rembrandt who disowned His moan He disowned his moan For the sake of a pay telephone He disowned his moan To talk to me on the drone Remember kids, there’s no time for fun! A treaty must be won! A tattletaler brought everything he ever won Besides-the rum She decided to drop the wine-every time The clock hit nine She decided to run to Greece Just to visit her niece! She decided to swim to shore And live like a kid forever more She swam around time, And pennies and dimes “Electrify”-the snake hissed “Electrify” he hissed and hissed. The lovebirds pecked their final kiss. It was bliss for the showers Bliss for the showers Hell for 24 hours and then bliss for the showers And of course the peanut cups- Remember the small ones? Remember this didn’t start With- Lust? It started with a crust, a pie pan, land and a plan you filled it with your frosting and forever we ran… This is where it ends In Heaven we’re all friends-and We don’t worry we don’t have time for our friends- Nope We don’t worry we don’t have time for Our friends For friendship never ends Sewing the stitches of humanity, In the end, we will all, re-friend! Tom’s message to Chaya The colors of wax-dried drips of wax on my menorah look so vivid-a sign that Tom is here. Love, we must remember to love more, criticize less, see the good in one another and tell each other all of the good we see- write it if we can’t say it. As women we are the seeds, the feed, the food, the Love, the telephone pole, the dolphin, the crisper, the container, the realm. We are rapturous and kind, we are good to be mined. The Ball’s On Drop Drip drop Tick top Cleanse and rectify the ball on the crop Drip drop click drop ramble on and on and on to the rummage shop tick top, the ball’s on clop- the M&Ms, the candy fries, the ball’s on drop The ball goes round and it goes round till you’re sitting in sop the ball’s been dropped the mu-sic stopped the ache goes on and on until you’ve reached the top I sang a song, I sang a song Rehearsed and curse for all along the fryer had been on. So I turned it off. Everyday we sit around and say The balls up top, The ball is a flop And then everything is drop and pop Drip drop It ne-ver stops. And round and round and round and round Till we’re over the Top We slip away Into the night to pray And then we stop The bird flops and crops with the weight of a mor-ning mop The bird flops and crops When the ball’s on mop The balls been stopped The mess has been mopped The kids go round and round with the hope That they’ll get stopped The joy’s on top The bubble’s been popped The rant goes on and on until we’ve all been cropped And stopped The rent’s been topped The music stopped The raven propped primped and primed up for The girl with the mop The style is sopped The carnival chopped The Canterbury illusory version of wopped The reels been clocked The telephone tocked Nevermind it all! he called And called and called and called Why do it now when it’s been done? Why call a clown to have some fun? Rush to the table, look under the table! The kids are crowded looking at ma-ple! The ball’s been popped The envelope stopped The tree grows higher and higher and then reaches the top and she stopped! She stopped! She stopped! (ecstatically) The pot’s been dropped It’s been dropped IT’S BEEN DROPPED (screaming loudly and ecstatically) Drop me, swap me but Ne-ver crop me. She remembers her cup And picks it from the top And picks and picks and picks Un-til it’s all been chopped She’s stopped! She..ees STOPPED We Took a Step Towards Fun The jam and the toaster The ram and the pecan Everywhere I go, all I see is snow. Every time I run, I pretend I’m on the go Listen Mr. Elbow- Our kids have things to share. Listen for the renters’ song Then listen for the owner’s ring. Ding a ling ling… A canvas I did bring Ding a ding dong I wrote you yet another song It goes (stomp) Howdy howdy ho Howdy howdy hey Put a sticker in the snow Put a rhyme in the hay It goes howdy howdy ho I got a clock and I got a cloak Howdy howdy hum I’m gonna reach, I’m gonna reach I’m gonna reach out for some fun. That’s how it’s all begun We took a step towards fun. The Apricot Spread Toast Ariel needs a hug, a cradle, her head two big warm hands. Hands to cup her fragility, hands to grip her arms and warm them to toast on which she’ll spread strawberry preserves. Blueberry preserves. Toast with butter, diner style. Thick homemade quinoa multigrain toast with apricot preserves and hip to hip sitting, two squished in a chair for one big one-hip to hip, lip to lip. Ariel has a piece to fit on her left side-side by side they slip along one another’s sides, hip to hip, lip on lip. Upper lip on lower lip, grip to grip They ride their bikes, grip to grip they line up their knuckles, They toast knuckles, grip to grip Hug me- they hug arms around one another’s torsos, And Ariel hugs children tight, She sets them free, lets them be- They play in the backyard Ariel like their special friend cannot be classified as mother or aunt Just that lady who they know, Who’s image will stay in their mind And they touch her with their soft kind. Diapers, baby wipes-never mind. Now it’s time for the big bed-this man is tall and spelt, At Ariel’s side, a candle lit, Dried flowers hung around, Crushed in bowls, by and by By and by, side by side. They slide under the covers, he warms her to a crisp, she’s soft and she smiles and bites the apricot spread toast. Pickpocket The Stoners Poetry It’s a deep dark night, my life much more adventurous lately, Trees white branched and glowing, Flowing like radar and uneaten chocolate chip cookies And energy that never run dry, A night that will never fry, Some small little lights up in the sky, Some tolerance and tornado potatoes And a time I think, I wish I could cry, I wish I could cry I wish try was try And cry was alive in the beat of the vision, The meat of yesterday, tomorrow and today meeting, Like popcorn meets, Like Pac man meets the soul, Like mouth meets food And stoner meets smoke, Like reckon follows “I” And eye interchanges with socket, math equations, rounded pies and all. Never mind logic and carnivals, we’re here for the free spinach dish, We’re here to announce life no matter the hour- It’s pound over penance, not sound over sentence Or repentanence Or matzo meal which is not a meal. Listen up y’all, there’s some fun to be had, Some life to live, just as your life is now, So eat a cherry and frown, But be alive for the night once upon some times And trip on the second hand laced marijuana smoke in the air, Pickpocket the stoners poetry and make a second hand sentence, a stolen phrase, a trip worthy confectioner conversation, conversable and well worn, well inhaled like a clean night could be. State to State It’s funny when you follow a rainstorm state to state. Each time I go back to New York, something happens to remind me that: Marriage is a soap bucket, a bottle, and fish taken out. It’s a white sky that’s open for what’s next, it’s by and by and thick river run texts- it’s salami and poetry again because I told you I meant it, because I blow into a fountain, stick to my guns and stick them out at your buns. Oh well, there are stories to tell, oh well I hear a ringing bell, and the river runs, and the stream it clears, the waters deep green, the litter, the dirt, the smile you gave me hurt, the heart I never chose, the ransom note I used to offer you a think with which to blow your nose, the magenta shirt, skirt and shoes, The me you’ll have to choose, the you who claims he has the blues, the money I’ll make, the blue cheese I’ll create, the phone calls you’ll have to make, her alibi. The tenant you’ll invest in, the fame I have that makes you nervous as you trip in your finest outfit to win me over. The rich life we’ll lead, but all along the way, I’ll sing down the stream of corn chowder and whipped cream, just to make you earn it, earn what you need. You call it greed, I call it creed. You’ll sing a song at the wedding, I’ll finally say I knew it all along, and every time you have to will me back, stronger will be your back, every time you lose your shoes, I’ll secretly consult my muse, every time you travel seas, I’ll go about my business for you got down on your knees, One for each year you let me go on alone, one for each ring, one for each eye of mine you love. Clear the costumes from the costume closet, clean the blood from the sink, this time it’s clinkety clink, this time I’ll slink down, you’ll drink down, a green flavored potion, the clock’s hands will point to 9. A green fluorescent potion, and lotion, So-and-so you are mine-that’s what you’ll say on and on-you are mine. I’ll think about the other times. I won’t jingle bells, I’ll just point out rhymes, all the while you’ll know you miss me, and you’ll have one more chance, for a first kiss-and I’ll have many more chances, to-be-missed. So I slipped into a trance…when I asked for some romance, I was told time will tell but I didn’t hear the chapel bell sing, ring a ding ding. I decided to stop speaking and instead I’d sing, the elementary school prophesy, this is what it said it would bring. When hectic becomes a heck of a long time, that is when I’ll sing my rhyme, until then I’ll party all the while, content without your smile, and sure it’ll be a mile to the next pit stop. But I travel road to road, sign to sign, smile to smile. I get drunk on the now, rather than drone in memories. I never forgot Toys R Us, I never saw you as a plant. You wrinkled in my palm when I stopped promising anything and started living. Unsure if you’d ever show up so I could say your name aloud, To the crowds I love so dearly, what I did was count to three, because a dead guy mentioned that tactic to me. Never mind the courtesy. There’s a fly drowning in your water cup This time I just smile- You order more water, you say, Drink up. Time by time we create something new, you’ve turned around, I’ve unglued my shoe. And I’ve eaten a potato or two But I haven’t unlocked time, I haven’t rented rhyme, I haven’t stuck my shoe a second time. I love you Chaya, you say. I love you too.
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