pressMajor UK Study Shows No Evidence For Forced DruggingSubmitted by admin on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 09:48
A major new study in latest Journal of Advanced Nursing says there is no clincal evidence in research that forced drugging helps people. Instead, the practice is "taken for granted." According to the BBC, "Very few rigorous investigations of the use of coerced medication have been done despite it being widespread, the Journal of Advanced Nursing reported. The dearth of evidence is "unacceptable" and more should be done to find alternatives, the team said" ( categories: )
Jim Gottstein Comes to Hampshire College Oct 22Submitted by heather on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 18:04
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Buddhist Magazine Publishes on Retreat DiscriminationSubmitted by admin on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:03
Download scanned version here.
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FC Named in San Francisco Weekly NewspaperSubmitted by admin on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 12:35
Freedom Center on Zyprexa In AdbustersSubmitted by admin on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 14:32
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Gazette Zyprexa Editorial & Valley Advocate StorySubmitted by admin on Mon, 01/22/2007 - 18:14
Read the Gazette editorial and the Valley Advocate stories, below.
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Front Page Gazette on Lilly Gag OrderSubmitted by admin on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 18:15
Front Page Gazette |