prisons & crimeRemembering John Brodie, 1970-2006Submitted by admin on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 12:01
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Gazette Covers Panhandling CampaignSubmitted by admin on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 13:30
"It's clear that this legislation does, de facto, criminalize panhandling, if not in the letter of the law, then in the spirit," said Catherine Simon, reading from a prepared statement at a recent council meeting.... Simon, meanwhile, said the homeless and the poor are already the victims of economic violence. Poverty Is Not A Crime - Local CampaignSubmitted by admin on Fri, 10/03/2008 - 16:15
Get latest info at the Povery Is Not A Crime Blog here. Listen to the recent WXOJ Madness Radio show on the campaign. ( categories: )
SHARC Position Paper on Mandated Treatment and Harm ReductionSubmitted by admin on Wed, 10/29/2008 - 21:27
A statement written for the Statwide Harm Reduction Coalition on why mandated treatment is not consistent with Harm Reduction philosophy, developed by Caty Simon and Will Hall. ( categories: )
FC Joins SHaRC to Oppose Prison Mental Health UnitsSubmitted by admin on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 17:35
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Virgina Tech Tragedy Info + ResourcesSubmitted by admin on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 06:51
Info on the Virgina Tech mass killing and implications for mental health policy can be found on the Mindfreedom website Info Center page. ( categories: )
NY Times Quotes Will in Story; Whitaker RepliesSubmitted by admin on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 23:34
Posted on Sep 19, 06
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