Party September 20th! FC Lucky Seven 'PsychoSocial' Anniversary

Submitted by admin on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 00:52

Freedom Center is seven years old!

To celebrate our birthday, and the honor of being recognized by Forbes,  Freedom Center will host a special event to screen the video at its "Lucky 7 Psychosocial" party on

September 20th at 6 pm

World War II Club

50 Conz St., Northampton, MA.

The celebration will also include a  hula-hooping performance by the Noho Hooperstars, live music by "Bucket Benny," and a dance party hosted by DJ Black Angus until midnight.

Screening of the short film Freedom To Heal will begin at 7pm.

There will be a cash bar, and the event will be catered by the Alternative Food Company.

Suggested donations are $10 at the door; nobody will be turned away for a lackof funds.

Listen to the radio PSA Freedom Center's Keely Malone put together

Download the party flyer below:

FCLuckySevenSept20th2008PartyFlier.pdf336.05 KB