Get Involved With Our Spring Speakout w/ Leah Harris!Submitted by caty on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 11:38
Leah Harris, DC mad movement activst & slam poet performer, is a longtime, active Mind Freedom organizer, an an accomplished slam poet, published recently in the anthology _Word Warriors_, a collection of women slam poets, with other luminaries of the third wave feminist movement & slam poetry like author Michelle Tea, punk singer & disability & fat movement activist Nomy Lamm, Lynn Breedlove (the The speakout will include spoken word pieces from Harris and others, personal speakout on psych survivor/mental health industry experiences, and other topical speeches. Caty Simon, Freedom Center member, will be talking about the pathologization of women's sexuality, and Lee Hurter, FC member, will also be speaking about trans people's issues with the psychiatric industry and the prejudicial diagnosis of "gender dysphoria". We're looking for more speakers, more people to help with organizing and publicity, and we also want to collaborate with our sister group, the Icarus Project, on this. Please share your talents and experiences with us! The focus will be around women and queer/trans folks experiences with the psychiatric industry, but your speakout or spoken word piece need not be limited to those topics. ( categories: )