acupunctureContact the Recovery Learning Community for Info On Acupuncture Clinics -Submitted by admin on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 03:38
Note - after many years of Freedom Center offering free acupuncture weekly, these services are now being organized by the Recovery Learning Community in Holyoke - contact them for more info! ( categories: )
Feb 9th 2009 Acupuncture Clinic PostponedSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 14:21
Hi everybody, our monday acupuncture clinic will be postponed on February 9th 2009, as Barbara our acupuncturist has another engagement. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll be back on our regular schedule monday Feb 16th as usual. Instead, take some time out of your day and meditate, you'll be glad you did! ( categories: )
Acupuncture CANCELLED this Monday, 1/14/08Submitted by heather on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 01:42
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Acupuncture Open House Sat. Oct 27thSubmitted by admin on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 22:28
Wed, October 3rd, 6:30 arrival, 7-9pm: Presentation or Sat, October 27th, 3:30 arrival, 4-6pm: Presentation ( categories: )
Acupuncture CANCELLED this Monday 8/27/07Submitted by heather on Fri, 08/24/2007 - 13:47
Acupuncture is cancelled this Monday due to space and clinician issues. Acupuncture will be held as usual the following week, 9/3/07
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please join us for yoga Monday evening at 7:15 in the back of the Somatic Center located at 32 Masonic Street.
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