Weekly Drop-In Group Focused on Psych Drug Withdrawal Thurs 5:30-6:30pmSubmitted by admin on Sat, 02/18/2006 - 03:41
The Freedom Center in Northampton, MA is sponsoring an additional support group, on Thursday evenings in downtown Northampton, MA at 5:30, that focuses on drug withdrawal (our regular 7pm also includes drug withdrawal as a focus, but covers other topics as well). The group has been meeting intermittently, so please contact terramuggus AT freedom-center DOT org or benzo AT freedom-center DOT org for more details.
Ours is a peer-run group, no medical or mental health professionals are involved, other than as fellow members. We utilize Professor Heather Ashton's protocol as our main guide, and suggest that you familiarize yourself with it. Go to www.benzo.org.uk the world's most comprehensive iatrogenic benzo dependency resource, and click on the Ashton Manual link on the left side of the page. For optimum withdrawal success, we recommend you join that website's private forum. There are thousands of members there currently experiencing your pain, joining together in support and education, with the goal of eventual success. We recommend to not abruptly stop taking psychiatric drugs, it can be dangerous. The Freedom Center respects individual privacy, anonymity and autonomy. ( categories: )