newsSpecial Screening of "A Balancing Act" at the RLC Jan. 23!Submitted by oryx on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 19:40
Recovery Learning Community to Screen “A Balancing Act”
Weekly Movie Night to Feature Local Filmmaker, Marc Israel
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Meditation groupSubmitted by chaya on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 21:03
New meditation group! Thursdays, 6-7pm, Quaker space, 43 center street, side entrance. All are welcome, free. Led by Chaya. Meditation followed by short sharing of gratitudes and spiritual inpiration. Co-sponsored by RLC.
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cultural competencySubmitted by chaya on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 12:00
Another hot issue right now is cultural competence, which like others ( categories: )
Narpa topicsSubmitted by chaya on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 11:58
Some important topics at Narpa '07: ( categories: )
Chaya's Narpa talkSubmitted by chaya on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 14:23
Below is the talk I wrote for Narpa. Feel free to
Holiday Donor Letter!Submitted by lee on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 15:00
We would like to thank you for all for your support over the past year. It has been a truly monumental one. We were successful in increasing the public's awareness of people’s experience in the mental health system by holding our first annual bed-push. We pushed a hospital bed from Cooley Dickinsonto downtown Northampton where we held a speak-out. As a result, we got our picture in the front page of the Hampshire Daily Gazette, coverage from Channel 22 News, and a radio piece done by WMAC, a local NPR affiliate. ( categories: )
Will on Tour With Icarus ProjectSubmitted by admin on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 13:12
Jim Gottstein Comes to Hampshire College Oct 22Submitted by heather on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 18:04
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New Freedom Center Support Group FacilitatorSubmitted by admin on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:29
Hello everyone! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be the new support group facilitator. As a FC organizer and previous member of support group, I know what a special community resource the support group is, as a safe place for emotional support and unique alternative to the mainstream mental health system; an invaluable source of updated information about psychiatric medications and alternative options available to people in extreme emotional states and/or dealing with current or past trauma; an opportunity to learn about and become involved in the exciting psychiatric rights community; and much more. ( categories: )
Writing group continues with group sponsorshipSubmitted by chaya on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 19:40
The new writing group is 2-3 on Wednesdays. At ( categories: )
Lilly Settles with Whistleblower Doctor Over Zyprexa FilesSubmitted by admin on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 18:55
David Egilman, the expert witness who last winter caused a huge controversy by providing The New York Times with sealed documents indicating Lilly downplayed or hid harmful Zyprexa side effects and improperly promoted the antipsychotic to doctors, has struck a deal with the drugmaker. (The court earlier ruled that Freedom Center organizer Will Hall and some others named were no longer under an injunction, but maintained the injunction on several others.) ( categories: )
Freedom Center + Icarus Capetown South Africa?!?Submitted by admin on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 06:12
-------- Original Message --------
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Will is TravelingSubmitted by oryx on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 20:57
Will is Traveling
Who is going to overthrow ServiceNet now?
Who is going to tell us we can do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Just a little bit better?
Who will truly understand what it is we are going through And what we are up against?
Who is going to give us auricular acupuncture? Who will take us skinny dipping in a Strictly “no-swimming” reservoir? Who will transform WindHorse? Who will revive our support group? Who will finally bring in the big money? Who will facilitate? Who will articulate?
Who will see the future with Crystal clear vision?
Who will go jogging with me in Acupuncture CANCELLED this Monday 8/27/07Submitted by heather on Fri, 08/24/2007 - 13:47
Acupuncture is cancelled this Monday due to space and clinician issues. Acupuncture will be held as usual the following week, 9/3/07
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please join us for yoga Monday evening at 7:15 in the back of the Somatic Center located at 32 Masonic Street.
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July 2007 Bed Push In Hampshire GazetteSubmitted by admin on Fri, 08/10/2007 - 14:15
Making a push for better care: Protesters march to bring attention to mental health services
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Freedom Center Presents at Smith School of Social WorkSubmitted by lee on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 13:40
Freedom Center presents at Smith School of Social Work. On Monday, August 6th three freedom center members were asked to present at the Smith School of Social work for Stephanie Bryson’s class. We agreed- and Chaya, Dianne, and Mollie did the presentation. When we first arrived outside the classroom we heard screaming, screehing, and lots of excited noise... a student poked their head out and let us know they were presenting at there was a rowdy game of “mood disorder jeopardy”. We realized at that moment that we were speaking to a slightly different demographic than we were used to. We toyed with a game we could play as a spoof--like “find the right therapy wheel of fortune” or “diagnosis slot machines” but we decided to let it go. ( categories: )
Bed-Push A Great Success!Submitted by lee on Sun, 07/29/2007 - 23:36
The bed-push was an amazing feat -- unbelievable -- we lost a wheel about half way there... and then another... and then another.. until we were down to ONE WHEEL! So people CARRIED the bed, in the grueling heat, all the way to downtown. INCREDIBLE!!! ( categories: )
Sunday July 29th Escape from Psychiatry Protest!Submitted by admin on Sun, 07/29/2007 - 18:07
For Immediate Release: Escape From Psychiatry: A Protest and Bed Push Against Abuse in the Mental
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Freedom Center presents at the U.S. Social Forum in AtlantaSubmitted by lee on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 22:47
This past weekend, two Freedom Center organizers did a presentation called "Who's Calling Who Crazy? Psychiatry and the Oppressed" in a packed standing room-only hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia as part of the U.S Social Forum. The U.S Social forum was a large gathering of approximately 20,000 grassroots activists from around the country (and some internationals) who were gathering to educate, motivate, and envision a more just world. ( categories: )
June 24 Facilitation Training [note new time]Submitted by admin on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 07:40
June 24 Facilitation Training ( categories: )
Emergency Room Abuse Testimony for LegislationSubmitted by admin on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 19:13
from Cathy Levin of MPOWER:
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Buddhist Magazine Publishes on Retreat DiscriminationSubmitted by admin on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:03
Download scanned version here.
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FC Renewed for Northampton City Block Grant!Submitted by admin on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 17:38
We just heard that Freedom Center has been renewed as a recipient of the Northampton Community Block Development Grant! The city awarded us a $3,000 grant to continue our work improving access of low-income, abuse survivors and others who need help finding wellness and recovery resources in the community. Thanks to everyone who worked on the proposal and has been organizing to make our services, peer counseling, and referrals a success. ( categories: )